Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years

Ten years ago today....I was in the first few weeks of my freshman year at UNT.  I was on my way to my first class - a science class all the way across the campus in the Environmental Science building.

Today....I am in the first few weeks of my 7th year teaching in the district, I have a six month old baby girl and have been married for 18 months.

Ten years ago this morning....I was confusedly being turned away from my science class by my professor who was in tears and mumbling something about her brother that worked at the Pentagon.  I checked my cell phone and listened to the most bizarre messages from my mother and my friend Sam each mentioning something about the country being at war.

This morning....I watched my baby play on the blanket in the middle of the living room bathed in early morning light and completely unaware of the tragedy that her father and I were reliving on the television screen.

Ten years ago emotionally....I felt sad and a little shaken but I was excited about having a beautiful free day off from school to hang out with my friends.

Ouch.  That feels kind of crappy to admit.

Today emotionally....the scenes are jarring and unsettling.  I have a greater understanding of the horror that those individuals experienced on that Tuesday morning.  Anything and everything could happen to my family and loved ones at any moment in time.  I held my baby a little closer and made sure Craig knew that I love him.

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