Sunday, September 18, 2011

Six Months Old!

Okay.  I totally skipped her five month chair with sign and puppy dog picture because it was on the day that we were leaving for Vegas for my birthday and things were cah-razy to say the least.  So in the last two months since I've done one of these pictures.....she has gotten a little (okay, a LOT) more active.  I might have to rethink my approach for her monthly pictures in the future.  As you can see....
This was a group activity - Momma made the sign and took the picture while Daddy held the sign and maneuvered the little creatures.

And then we tried to let Natalie hold the sign.....and Angie took advantage of a weak parenting moment to get a few licks in.

Daddy held the sign up closer while Natalie chose NOT to look at the camera because she was more focused on getting that piece of paper back into her mouth.

"Momma?  Daddy?  I'm donezo with these pictures."

Holy cow.  Are we really here?  Is she really this big?  And are we really halfway to her first birthday?  I know that it's such a cliche to say "they grow so fast" but time is flying by with her.  Part of me wishes that I could start all over and truly enjoy the first four months of her life without all the anxiety and frustration...but then again, I really enjoy her having a personality and being able to sit up on her own!

Vital Stats:
Height: about 28\7 inches, above the 95th percentile
Weight: 17 pounds, between the 50th and 75th percentile

As far as her growth goes...she's been pretty consistent with her length and weight gains.  Some other things that have been happening this month:

First day of school with Ms. Rebecca.  Through a co-worker and an old friend I was able to find the absolute BEST in-home child care for Natalie.  Ms. Rebecca is right in our neighborhood and takes care of a few older boys - Natalie is her first little girl to take care of!  She gets doted on all day by all the boys and I know Ms. Rebecca loves having a little girl around the house.

We are a definite SITTER now!  She started doing it on her own all of a sudden one day around 5 1/2 months old.  It really makes life so much easier - I can plop her down on a blanket with some toys and she will just sit and play all on her own.  I know that it's a fleeting time in her life because pretty soon she will be mobile and scooting around the house.  Having her sit up also makes going out in public so much easier as well - she is able to sit in a high chair at restaurants and in the seat on the cart at the store!

She loves, loves, loves to be able to sit up and play with her toys.  I love this picture because she is in her 12 month (yes...12 month at 6 months) pajamas that I adore and she is playing with her dollies.  One of my favorite things to do growing up was to play with any kind of dolls (Rainbow Brite, Cabbage Patch, My Little Pony, Barbie, Quints, etc.) with my mom.  I can't wait to share all that kind stuff with Natalie.

Just hanging out at Uncle Stephen and Aunt Meredith's house meeting her baby cousin Ian for the first time.

My parents and their four grandbabies: Alexander (almost 8), Ford (4.5), Natalie (6 mo.) and Ian (1 week).  Last Christmas we had two grandparents, three adult children and spouses, two grandsons and three pups (Andy, Annabelle and Angie).  In one year they doubled the amount of grandchildren that they have and this year at Christmas there will be FOUR little ones roaming around.  It will be fun...and completely hectic and crazy.

Oh man...we're getting so close to crawling!  Or she's just practicing baby yoga and doing her "child" pose.

She rode on the power wheels car that Grandaddy and Nonna found and cleaned up for her!

She played Legos with Uncle Michael when he was in town for a few days.  We can't wait until he is back down here full time!!!!!

- She also has found new voices - she babbles and she screeches!  The other night I was rocking her to sleep and she looked up at me with the sleepiest of eyes and said "ba ba ba ba ba."  And then closed her eyes and snuggled in to me.  My heart melted because I think that was her way of expressing some sort of love and comfort to me!!!
- I think she is starting to figure out hugs and kisses - she will kind of throw herself on you with her arms out and slobber on your face.  It's pretty much my most favorite thing at the end of the day.
- She was just recently sick for the first time over Labor Day weekend with croup.  She was just so pathetic.  It was also our first time as parents to really try and read our own gut instinct and do what was best for our baby.  In the end we were right - there was something much more serious going on in her body than just teething and we made the right decision by taking her to the emergency kids place.  FYI: Not the emergency room but Acute Care for Kids which is an after hours doctor's office right by our house - we LOVE it because it's quick and easy AND costs the same as a trip to the doctor!

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