Here is what I'm looking forward to:
August 1 - 14: Happy birthday to me! Craig surprised me at Christmas with a trip to Europe for my 27th birthday! We're going to begin in Paris, France for a few days then take a train down to Torino, Italy where we will see a U2 concert and then we'll finish with several days in and around Rome, Italy. I'm so excited to see Paris with Craig - it's a city and country that neither of us have ever traveled to and there is so much history and culture for us to experience. Torino should be interesting - I've never seen the Alps and I'm going to drag Craig to the Fiat car museum while we're there. It will be fun to see U2 perform in a foreign country. And then onto Rome...sigh. This is the emotional part for me - I have a lot of family ties to Italy and it is important for Craig to see the country and understand a bit more why I (and my beloved mother) are the way we are. I want to show him the Vatican, the cafes, the piazzas, and the food - I am dying for Italian wine and tiramisu! This is going to be a trip that we remember for a very long time.

July 12 - 16: Craig and I will be traveling to Tennessee for a basketball tournament with several of his Team Texas basketball teams. I don't know if this is going to be the most EXCITING trip of my summer, but it will be nice to see a part of the country I've never visited as well as watching Craig coach his girls.

July 28 - 31: Craig's BIG basketball tournament of the summer is the last three days of July, right before we leave for Europe.

July 19 - 23: I will be working the high school volleyball camp. A few weeks ago I didn't really intend on doing this since I had hoped that I would be a classroom teacher and not coaching anymore but since I didn't get that job I will be spending the week working with my upcoming 7th and 8th graders on their volleyball skills. I sometimes dread the week because it is long and tiring but it does serve a good purpose because I get to see not only my athletes but the competition from the other schools.
August: Craig and I have decided that August is our month to start "trying" to have kids...or whatever that means. This should be an interesting experiment. I already feel I'm cheating on Angie because she isn't a good enough child.

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